Wednesday, August 12, 2009

It's the Final Countdown!

Yesterday marked my last real day of summer break. School doesn't start until August 24th, but preparations have already begun. I will be moving over the next few weeks, and in addition to the usual push at the beginning of the year, I will also be preparing to take the GRE in October. I will need to take a few classes for re-certification as well, so I have an extremely full plate.

That said, in all likelihood, this will be my last year in Baltimore, so I want to make it a positive experience for everyone involved. I already have a plan in mind for the spring concert and a few choice units/guiding questions for each grade level. I'm going to try to post to this blog at least once a week, which will be much easier now that I will be quitting my second job during the year. I think that I'm looking forward to that more than anything else at the moment, because I get to make it happen so very soon.

Keep your eyes open for exciting things!